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MTSS (Multi-Tiered Systems of Support)

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Response to Intervention
Response to Intervention, or RtI, is the practice of meeting the academic, English language acquisition, and engagement needs of all students through a problem-solving process with three key elements:

  • High-quality instruction and research-based tiered interventions aligned with individual student need
  • Frequent monitoring of student progress to enable results-based academic and/or behavioral decisions
  • Use of student response data in making important educational decisions (such as those regarding placement, intervention, curriculum, and instructional goals and methodologies

 The instructional approaches within the general education setting should result in academic and/or engagement progress for the majority of the students.  The primary focus of RtI is early intervention to prevent long-term academic failure.  Struggling students are identified using data-based progress monitoring and are provided intensive instruction.  The use of a scientifically validated curriculum as well as instructional methods expected in an RtI model, leads to school improvement.