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Employee Leave Request Instructions

When an employee has been absent or anticipates being absent more than three consecutive work days, Diboll ISD requires a request for a District leave.

Employee Request for Leave Steps:

  1. An employee shall obtain leave forms from the Diboll ISD website or the HR/Payroll office. 
  2. The employee completes and signs an Employee Request for Leave Application and forwards it to the payroll office.
  3. The employee has the attending physician complete and sign a medical certification form and submits it to the payroll     office. (Forms not signed by the physician will be returned to the employee.) Click on the link below for the appropriate medical certification form:

*Leaves are processed as quickly as possible. However, please note that we cannot process a leave without all required documents.*

Employee Return from Leave Steps:

  1. The employee obtains a medical release and submits it to the supervisor (not payroll) before return to work. Employees will not be allowed to return to work without a release from the attending physician. All medical releases with restrictions/limitations must be reviewed by the payroll office before allowing the employee to return to work.

*Please note that employees will not be reactivated in the payroll system and may not receive paychecks without completion of the above steps.*

Types of Leave

  • FMLA is for employees employed by the District for 12 months, and the employee has worked 1250 hours in the 12 months immediately preceding the need for leave. This leave is for maternity, illness of a member of the immediate family (mother, father, spouse, and children) or illness of self. The term parent does NOT include a parent “in-law.” The term son or daughter does include individuals 18 years or over, if they are “incapable of self-care” because of mental or physical disability that limits one or more of the “major life activities.”

    Maximum duration: 12 work weeks

  • This leave is only for full-time educators who have exhausted FML or have been with the District less than one year. This leave is for the illness of the employee only. TDL is used concurrent with all other available leave.

    Maximum duration: 180 calendar days

  • This type of leave allows very little or no advance planning and will be granted to employees in the same manner as sick leave.

    This leave may be used for the following reasons only:

    • Employee illness
    • Illness in the employee’s immediate family
    • Family emergency (i.e., natural disasters or life-threatening situations)
    • Death in the immediate family
    • Birth or adoption of a child
    • Active military service
  • Request for personal leave (discretionary leave as per Board Policy DEC Local/Regulation) must be submitted to the supervisor at least three days prior to the requested date of absence. To submit a request for discretionary leave, please enter the request in TimeClock+ for supervisor approval.

  • After all available state and local leave days have been exhausted, a full-time employee shall be granted extended sick leave according to the following schedule:

    1. First year of employment - none
    2. Second through fourth year of employment - 15 extended sick leave days each school year.
    3. Fifth and succeeding years - 30 extended sick leave days each school year.

    Extended sick leave shall be used for the employee's catastrophic illness or injury, including pregnancy-related illness or injury, or for absences related to the catastrophic illness or injury of a member of the employee's immediate family.

    To be eligible for extended sick leave, the employee shall have been absent at least five consecutive workdays or five workdays without pay.

    A written request for extended sick leave must be accompanied by medical certification of the illness or injury.

    An amount equal to 27 percent of the individual employee’s average daily rate of pay shall be deducted for each day of extended sick leave taken, whether or not a substitute is employed.

  • Please check Board Policy DEC (LOCAL) regarding the specifics on other leaves such as military.

Important Employee Concerns

DISD does not offer paid leave. An employee is paid for any accrued state and local days. For instance, if an employee has 20 accrued days and is out for 24 days, then “sick leave” days will be taken from the accrued state and local leave days; hence, he/she will not be paid for 4 days. Contact your HR/Payroll Specialist with any questions regarding leave days and/or salary information.

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Business Office

Payroll & Benefits Specialist

Lacey Chandler​ 
T: (936) 829-6113
F: (936) 829-6998


Family and Medical Leave Act graphic