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TRS-ActiveCare Plan Information

Group health insurance coverage is provided through TRS-ActiveCare, the statewide public school health insurance program. The district’s contribution to participating employee insurance premiums is $225 per month.

Employees eligible for health insurance coverage include: Employees who are active, contributing TRS members, or Employees who are regularly scheduled to work at least 10 hours per week.

The insurance plan year is from September 1 through August 31 annually.

TRS-ActiveCare offers multiple plan options for employees. Please see the following documents for complete plan details.

TRS-ActiveCare/AETNA rates 

Aetna Insurance Cards

Diboll ISD employees participating in the health insurance plan should have received Aetna Insurance cards. However, if you have not received your card there is way to obtain it from the Aetna website by setting up your personal member page.

Go to  Aetna Navigator®.

  • If you have already created an Aetna account continue with your log in.
  • If you have not created an account; Click on the blue box that says "Register Now" under First-time users,
  • Using the Social Security Number option, follow the prompts through the five pages.
  • Once completed, there will be an opportunity to print a copy of your insurance card. You may also request a replacement card.
  • If at any time you encounter a problem or have a question, use the Ask Ann feature in the top right corner of the page or call the Aetna Customer Service telephone number, 1-888-592-3862.

Question? graphic

Contact Payroll/Benefits Specialist

Lacey Chandler
T: (936) 829-6113​
F: (936) 829-6998

TRS ActiveCare