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Program Description

Subtitle VII-B of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, reauthorized by Title X, Part C, of the No Child Left Behind Act, ensures educational rights and protections for children and youth experiencing homelessness.  As the District’s Local Homeless Education Liaison, I am responsible for ensuring the identification, school enrollment, attendance, and opportunities for academic success of students in homeless situations.  Diboll uses a district wide Student Resident Questionnaire (SRQ) form to help identify displaced or homeless situations, unaccompanied youth, and students not living with legal guardians.  At the beginning of each school year, each student is required to complete a SRQ.  The SRQ is also required for new students enrolling into the district.  This helps identify, coordinate referrals and provide possible assistance.

District’s Local Homeless Education Liaison
Shawna Neal, M.A., LPC
215 Temple Dr.
Diboll, Texas 75941