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Diboll ISD

Employment Policies

Four smiling children hold a banner that reads 'Policies'.


Diboll ISD is required to disseminate information to all employees. If you would like a hard copy of this information, please contact your supervisor. This link will lead you to the DISD Board Policy, which addresses the following pertinent issues:

Note: * indicates a policy affected by Update 93, issued March 2012

Required documents must be signed annually and forwarded to Human Resources by August 31.

  • Discrimination, harassment, and retaliation:

    • DH* and FNC- Policies and exhibits addressing standards of conduct for employees and students.
    • DIA(LOCAL) and FFH(LOCAL)*- Policies regarding discrimination, harassment, and retaliation, including contact information for reporting such behavior, for employees and students.


    • FFI(LOCAL)*- addresses student bullying. Because bullying may also rise to the level of discrimination or harassment, if based on a protected characteristic, this policy should be distributed to employees alongside FFH(LOCAL).

    Child abuse and neglect: 

    Drug-free workplace:

  • Policy Code                     Policy Title

    DAA*                                 Equal employment opportunity

    DAB*                                 Genetic nondiscrimination

    DBAA                                Criminal history and credit reports

    DBD                                  Conflict of interest

    DC                                    Employment practices

    DCB                                  Term contracts

    DEA series                        Salaries and wages; incentives and stipends

    DEC series*                       Leaves and absences

    DF*                                   Termination of employment

    DFAC                                Return to probationary status

    DFB series DFBA, DFBB  Termination of term contracts

    DFD                                  Hearings before hearing examiner

    DFE*                                 Resignation

    DFF                                   Reduction in force

    DFFA                                Reduction in force due to financial exigency

    DFFB                                Reduction in force due to program change

    DG                                    Employee rights and privileges

    DGBA                               Employee complaints/grievances

    DH*                                   Employee standards of conduct

    DHE                                  Searches and alcohol/drug testing

    DI                                      Employee welfare

    DIA                                    Freedom from discrimination, harassment, and retaliation

    DK                                    Assignment and schedules

    DN series                          Performance appraisal

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