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When To Keep Your Child At Home

Students who are ill or seriously injured prior to the school day should be kept home until improved (fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication) or released by a physician.

  • Vomiting or has vomited during the night
  • Diarrhea
  • Fever of 100 degrees or more - Must be fever free for 24 hours without an analgesic i.e.(Tylenol/Advil)
  • Strep Throat/Scarlet Fever - Be on antibiotic for 24 hours and be free of fever for 24 hours with out an analgesic
  • MRSA - May return 24 hours after antibiotic has begun
  • Pink Eye/Conjunctivitis - May return 24 hours after antibiotic has begun or Dr. note
  • Chickenpox - Until all sores are scabbed over, but no more than 7 days from an outbreak
  • Head Lice - Student must be lice free to return to school
  • Influenza (Flu) - When fever subsides without an analgesic (Tylenol/Advil)
  • Rash or skin infection other than poison ivy
  • Weeping sores
  • Any illness making him/her feel too badly to participate
  • Other contagious diseases or infestations -including but not limited to scabies, impetigo ringworm and varicella